
Want to get rich$%: Here's how you do it. Find something you enjoy doing, and that enhances you and humankind. If your money-making idea is purely for the purpose of getting loaded, it simply won't work.


Find something you enjoy doing, and that enhances you and humankind. This is an important concept. If your money-making idea is purely for the purpose of getting loaded, it simply won't work. Or it may work, but not for long. It will leave you feeling dissatisfied and empty. And what's more, money will not flow to you as freely. Helping others does not mean sacrificing your own needs for someone else's. This is as much about fulfilling your needs, as it is about helping others fulfill theirs. Something that is fun for you will not tire you out. If there is an activity that makes time pass without you even noticing it, this is an obvious example. How can you turn that activity, or something similar, into a money-spinner$%:

Think big!

Dream a little. Imagine you can do anything - that you have no obstacles to achieving your heart's desire. What will you do$%: This is not pure foolishness, it's a real consideration. Obviously you don't want to drop everything and turn a hobby into your full-time work just yet, but with planning, and careful and creative thought, this can be worked towards. Thinking big means stepping outside your comfort zone. Do not let your usual limitations inhibit you from reaching your true potential. If your big dream is not a practical possibility, there may be something which gives you the same kind of feelings that you can do.


Most people will not care to wait 2-3 days to reap the rewards of their efforts, let alone 2-3 years. But if it's a life-changing ambition, that will ultimately bring you real satisfaction, happiness, prestige maybe, and so on, isn't it worth it$%: Five years does not sound so long time in that light.


Working out what you really want to devote the rest of your life to can sometimes be the hardest part. Think big, think small, think sideways (laterally$%:). Again, be patient in this part of the planning. Read books and magazines to inspire you. Talk to people. Emulate others who you look up to. Speak to the happiest person you know. How do they do it$%: When I say 'think small', think about what you've enjoyed doing in the past, no matter how seemingly small, as it could be an indicator to something bigger. List what you're good at and what you love to do, and marry the two up. Make sure you focus on you and what you want, and don't get distracted by other people's needs. What makes you want to sing and dance and jump for joy$%:!


An essential and often overlooked stage. List all the people you will need to see, courses you may need to take, and places to visit, in your quest. What are the major obstacles$%: Break it down into small exciting chunks, so you don't try to do too much at once. Keep your enjoyment in mind here -- the planning stage can be as much fun as doing the work itself!


Once you have established your desired project, CONCENTRATE on it to the exclusion of all else. This may sound a bit drastic, but it is essential for success. Spend time thinking about how best to succeed... don't be distracted. Then its time for ACTION. This part takes courage. Once you start, work hard at it. Concentrating means sacrificing other activities. Remind yourself of your goals morning and night. This is definitely a necessary ingredient for making a success of your life's work.


Don't give up at the first hurdle... or the second... or the third! Keep focused -- keep your mind on your goals. Don't give any weight to mistakes, or weaknesses: they are just part of the learning process. Let life begin anew each day and clean the slate of your past mistakes. If you really love what you do, and feel a burning passion for your work, every experience you gain in getting there will enrich your life.

NOTE: Take care about who you tell about your plans. Those closest to you may be sceptical, which won't help you to realize your dreams. If they are supportive, this can be of an enormous benefit. A supportive partner can help you through the rough patches and share in the excitement of the good times. If not, don't despair, there are plenty of people around who are better positioned (and with no emotional involvement) to give you advice. There is free advice, like the Citizen's Advice Bureau, and the type you have to pay for. But don't be afraid of spending some money on this stage of the process, as it could save you much time and money later on.

Once you are up and running on your new project, life will take on a whole new look. You'll want to get up in the mornings. You will find real and lasting fulfilment and joy. Make a start on it today. After all, it's your life.

Inspired by Mark Fisher's book: The Millionaire's Secrets.

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